现在装着windows7 RC 7100系统,用的挺不错,一直让人称道的是驱动程序的安装,插上新硬件之后,自动查找,很快就能找到驱动,这点一直令我很满意,但是今天老板让打印东西,我接上HP的LaserJet1000 这个古老的驱动,竟然找不到。没办法,只能手动在网上找了,可是HP这个公司太变态,宁可开发新产品让你买新东西,也不给你开发新驱动。不过在网上搜到了一篇文章是说在vista上通过取巧的方法装上了,至少是可以用。vista和win7还是有共同的地方的,因此我也试了下,竟然成功了,分享一下并算是做个备忘录。
I've just discovered how to fix it
all you need to do is to download the Windows XP driver file for HP laserJet 1000 from HP website...it's the one named "HP LaserJet 1000 Host Based Driver"
1) Right click and unzip the exe file you've just downloaded
2) Goto Printers (Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Printers)
3) Right Click in the window and select Add a printer. The popup window should now apear
4) Click Add a local printer
5) Click Next
6) Click Have Disk
7) Browse to the location of unzipped folder you (See step 1)
8) My printer was with USB so I choose zUSB.inf (not sure about serial, u might have to choose HPLJ1000 for serial)
9) Click Open and then OK
Computer will install the printer named hp LaserJet 1000, but it wont work
Now Connect your printer to the computer...
Vista will look for the printer driver and install the printer named hp LaserJet 1000 (Copy) which will work
You can now delete the printer named "hp LaserJet 1000" and make "hp LaserJet 1000 (Copy)" the default printer
You might wanna rename it too
首先下载下来这个打印机的一般驱动,也就是windows xp的,然后解压缩之,再在控制面板的打印机选项里新加一个打印机,选择打印机的时候去解压缩之后的文件里面找zUSB.inf,之后会装上一个,当然这个是硬装上的,不管用。完了之后再插入打印机的usb线(是这个时候才插,前面不插),然后系统会自动找硬件,找驱动,之后会有一个打印机出现在控制面板里,这个就是可以用的了。